A few suggestions you might consider:
- Ancestry/Ethnicity - who I came from and how that may have shaped who I am
- Social Network - those I rely on for encouragement and help me stay grounded - or not
- Family traditions - holiday celebrations, birthdays, deaths, politics, religion
- Self Image - who I think I am
- Physical appearance - the mirror doesn't lie
- Personal experiences - successes, challenges, disappointments, failures, hopes, dreams
A few years ago Thom Rainer, President/CEO of Lifeway Christian Research surveyed 1200 millenials between 1980 and 2000. He published his research in a book - "The Millenials - Connecting To America's Largest Generation". Here are some of statistical results:
- 72% affirmed they are more 'spiritual' than religious
- 70% "church today is irrelevant"
- 65% "rarely/never attend a church"
- 75% "reared in an unchurched family"
- 26% "I will go to heaven"
I believe Paul states that possibility in a simple but profound way:
"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. All this is from God who reconciled us (brought us back) to himself through Christ." 5:17
Let's think of it in a more personal way - "Faith is my Life!"
This perception of my life, as God the Father envisioned it for me, is a foundational teaching of Jesus and all of his Apostles. But, like happens today too, those Corinthian disciples had gotten distracted from who they really were by the social, political, familial, self serving loyalties they had grown up with. The church at Corinth was still a struggling baby, trying to fit their old ways of thinking and acting into this new way of life, but it obviously wasn't working. It wont work for us either.
So, I want you to take a short journey with me through 2 Corinthians over the next few weeks as we hear God speak to them (and us) through Paul. I will be using the NIV for this but you feel free to use whatever Bible version you prefer.
Until next time, plant this firmly in your spirit - "Faith is my Life!"
Thanks for thinking of me and I look forward to following along with you.